A series of three multimedia projects developed during my master's degree at the University of the Arts (UdK) in Berlin, Germany. The installations are accompanied by drawings, sketches and models that account for the research processes.
Inspired by the work and life of the German idealist and intellectual Rosa Luxemburg, the project takes the book that compiles the letters she writes to her best friend, Sophie Liebknecht, during her last imprisonment before being murdered in 1919 by people of her own family. politic party. In these letters, he exposes his political ideals, interspersed with personal events and his passion for nature and music.
For each of the three parts that make up the project, [gardens], [emotions] and [dusk], different words, paragraphs or quotes are selected to generate data series that can be translated into video, sound and lighting. These translations generate immersive installations that account for the affections and political resistance of Luxemburg in their fight for human rights.
In the video installation [gardens], I turn all the words and references to nature into a piano score, using the words as notes. As the words/notes sound, they appear as windows onto a landscape: Berlin's central garden, the Tiergarten, where her body was thrown into the canal after being murdered. The project, as a tribute to his passion for nature, tries to recapture the possible last landscape that Luxemburg sees before he dies.
For [emotions], the changing moods of the author are mapped, clearly reflected, paragraph after paragraph, in each of the letters. This mapping is transformed into a series of rectangles that go from white -the mood of greatest exaltation and happiness-, in a degradation of gray to black -a mood that reveals the suffering of Luxemburg in the face of social injustice-. This scale of emotional-chromatic indices produces a score, which is translated into the piece as a sound and light installation; where the white of the drawings corresponds to the total lighting of the luminaires in the installation and the black to complete darkness, going through the intermediate shades.