Pablo Lafuente (Ed.)
Experiencias del bien común: inSite/Casa Gallina, un proyecto de inmersión barrial
Mexico City: inSite/Casa Gallina, 2018
288 páginas / pages
Experiencias del bien común: inSite/Casa Gallina, un proyecto de inmersión barrial
Mexico City: inSite/Casa Gallina, 2018
288 páginas / pages
Trece años después de la inauguración de inSite_05, la quinta edición de INSITE ubicada en la frontera entre Tijuana y San Diego, este libro cuenta la historia de la sexta edición conocida como inSite / Casa Gallina, un proyecto de seis años ubicado en el barrio de Santa María la Ribera en la Ciudad de México. El proceso colectivo de desarrollo de esta publicación involucró a los vecinos y a los participantes de inSite / Casa Gallina, el equipo permanente (algunos de los cuales son vecinos), contribuyentes involucrados por el equipo de inSite / Casa Gallina para dirigir acciones específicas (talleres, cursos, proyectos artísticos), y escritores invitados (aquellos que no estaban afiliados al proyecto o vecindario, pero que se les pidió que escribieran sobre temas específicos relacionados). Este libro es, por lo tanto, entre otras cosas, una colección de las experiencias de individuos que estuvieron, en varios puntos, en contacto con inSite / Casa Gallina y sus actividades. El proyecto propuso que aunque habría artistas (predominantemente de México) invitados a participar en residencias e investigaciones a largo plazo, ni ellos ni sus obras serían el foco principal, sino que constituirían sólo uno de los elementos de una constelación cultural, actividades educativas, científicas y comunales-sociales organizadas por inSite / Casa Gallina, con residentes de Santa María la Ribera. En lugar de ver a la comunidad al servicio de alguna forma de noción re-conceptualizada de "práctica de arte social", la iniciativa se centraría en el vecindario para proporcionar nuevas oportunidades para que la comunidad se vea a sí misma. De todas las ediciones INSITE, inSite / Casa Gallina es la que menos se enfoca en el arte, pero también se ha concentrado en las desafiantes convenciones curatoriales. Esta publicación muestra las muchas formas en que esto tomó forma durante los seis años que se desarrolló la edición.
Thirteen years after the inauguration of inSite_05, the fifth edition of INSITE located on the Tijuana-San Diego border, this book tells the story of the sixth edition, known as inSite / Casa Gallina, a six-year project based in the Santa María la Ribera neighborhood in Mexico City. The collective process of developing this publication involved neighbors and participants of inSite / Casa Gallina, the permanent team (some of whom are also residents), contributors invited by the inSite / Casa Gallina team to lead specific actions (workshops, courses, artistic projects), and guest writers (those not affiliated with the project or neighborhood but invited to write about specific related topics). This book is, therefore, among other things, a collection of the experiences of individuals who, at various points, came into contact with inSite / Casa Gallina and its activities. The project proposed that, although artists (predominantly from Mexico) would be invited to participate in long-term residencies and research, neither they nor their works would be the main focus. Instead, they would be just one element within a constellation of cultural, educational, scientific, and community-social activities organized by inSite / Casa Gallina, together with residents of Santa María la Ribera. Rather than viewing the community as serving some re-conceptualized notion of 'social art practice,' the initiative focused on the neighborhood as a space for providing new opportunities for the community to see itself. Among all INSITE editions, inSite / Casa Gallina is the one least centered on art, yet it has also critically engaged with curatorial conventions. This publication showcases the many ways in which this took shape over the six years of its development.
Thirteen years after the inauguration of inSite_05, the fifth edition of INSITE located on the Tijuana-San Diego border, this book tells the story of the sixth edition, known as inSite / Casa Gallina, a six-year project based in the Santa María la Ribera neighborhood in Mexico City. The collective process of developing this publication involved neighbors and participants of inSite / Casa Gallina, the permanent team (some of whom are also residents), contributors invited by the inSite / Casa Gallina team to lead specific actions (workshops, courses, artistic projects), and guest writers (those not affiliated with the project or neighborhood but invited to write about specific related topics). This book is, therefore, among other things, a collection of the experiences of individuals who, at various points, came into contact with inSite / Casa Gallina and its activities. The project proposed that, although artists (predominantly from Mexico) would be invited to participate in long-term residencies and research, neither they nor their works would be the main focus. Instead, they would be just one element within a constellation of cultural, educational, scientific, and community-social activities organized by inSite / Casa Gallina, together with residents of Santa María la Ribera. Rather than viewing the community as serving some re-conceptualized notion of 'social art practice,' the initiative focused on the neighborhood as a space for providing new opportunities for the community to see itself. Among all INSITE editions, inSite / Casa Gallina is the one least centered on art, yet it has also critically engaged with curatorial conventions. This publication showcases the many ways in which this took shape over the six years of its development.