Adriano Pedrosa (ed.)
Foreigners Everywhere
Venice: Silvana Editoriale / La Biennale di Venezia, 2024
670 páginas / pages
Foreigners Everywhere
Venice: Silvana Editoriale / La Biennale di Venezia, 2024
670 páginas / pages
La 60ª Exposición Internacional de Arte de la Bienal de Venecia, curada por Adriano Pedrosa (director artístico del Museu de Arte de São Paulo), lleva por título Extranjeros en todas partes. Su nombre proviene de una serie de obras creadas en 2004 por el colectivo Claire Fontaine y es, como explica Pedrosa, “una celebración de lo extranjero, lo distante, el outsider, lo queer, así como de lo indígena”. La exposición “se centrará en artistas que son, en sí mismos, extranjeros, inmigrantes, expatriados, diaspóricos, emigrados, exiliados y refugiados, especialmente aquellos que se han movido entre el Sur Global y el Norte Global”. Pedrosa divide la muestra en dos secciones: "Núcleo Contemporáneo", dedicado a artistas contemporáneos, y "Núcleo Histórico", que examina obras creadas en el Sur Global entre 1905 y 1990. La primera amplía el concepto de artista “extranjero” o “outsider”, mientras que la segunda revisa producciones históricas en este contexto.
El catálogo, coeditado por Silvana Editoriale y Edizioni La Biennale di Venezia, al igual que la publicación de 2022, está impreso en dos volúmenes y sigue el recorrido de la exposición para acompañar a los visitantes y amantes del arte a través de los espacios del Giardini y el Arsenale. También presenta los demás proyectos en exhibición en distintas locaciones de la ciudad de Venecia y en el Forte Marghera en Mestre.
The 60th International Art Exhibition of the Venice Biennale, curated by Adriano Pedrosa (artistic director of the Museu de Arte de São Paulo), is titled Foreigners Everywhere. It takes its name from a series of artworks made in 2004 by the collective Claire Fontaine, and is, as Pedrosa explains, “a celebration of the foreign, the distant, the outsider, the queer as well as the Indigenous.” It “will focus on artists who are themselves foreigners, immigrants, expatriates, diasporic, emigres, exiled and refugees—especially those who have moved between the Global South and the Global North.” Pedrosa divides the exhibition into two parts: “Nucleo Contemporaneo,” for contemporary artists, and “Nucleo Storico,” for historical ones. The former expands upon the concept of the “foreigner” or “outsider” artist, while the latter examines artworks created in the Global South between 1905 and 1990.
The 60th International Art Exhibition of the Venice Biennale, curated by Adriano Pedrosa (artistic director of the Museu de Arte de São Paulo), is titled Foreigners Everywhere. It takes its name from a series of artworks made in 2004 by the collective Claire Fontaine, and is, as Pedrosa explains, “a celebration of the foreign, the distant, the outsider, the queer as well as the Indigenous.” It “will focus on artists who are themselves foreigners, immigrants, expatriates, diasporic, emigres, exiled and refugees—especially those who have moved between the Global South and the Global North.” Pedrosa divides the exhibition into two parts: “Nucleo Contemporaneo,” for contemporary artists, and “Nucleo Storico,” for historical ones. The former expands upon the concept of the “foreigner” or “outsider” artist, while the latter examines artworks created in the Global South between 1905 and 1990.
The catalog, copublished by Silvana Editoriale and Edizioni La Biennale di Venezia, is, as with the 2022 publication, printed in two volumes, and follows the exhibition route to accompany visitors and art lovers through the exhibition spaces of the Giardini and the Arsenale. It also presents the other projects on display in various locations around the city of Venice and at Forte Marghera in Mestre.